Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The Partridge family came from Buckinghamshire, England and settled in Massachusetts.  Elizabeth's parents, William and Ann, were married in England but all their children were born in Massachusetts.  Elizabeth's grandfather, John Partridge, stayed in Olney, England but in his will mentioned his grandchildren in New England.

Probably in those days women weren't allowed to own anything as the bulk of his estate was left to several men, probably sons-in-law- to "maintain the widow as long as she should live."  Elizabeth's grandmother was named Frances.

Elizabeth married Joseph Shaw who had been born in Cheshire, England and had come to America with his parents.  They were married in June of 1661 shortly after his father died and left him a 100 acre farm in southeastern New Hampshire.  Elizabeth and Joseph had 9 children according to Rockingham County records.

sue<hilda casey lynch<ulric casey<lemira mcclure casey<deborah young mcclure<abner young<elijah young<gideon young<john young<elizabeth sleeper young<elizabeth shaw sleeper<elizabeth partridge shaw

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